Friday, October 5, 2012

5 Minute Friday

I was debating whether or not to keep this up because I have a pretty good idea that no one is reading this, but I decided that if nothing else it is a record for us of snapshots of life five minutes at a time. I read a sweet blog posting on the Huffington Post this week that encouraged me to be in front of the camera a little more. If my girls hear and see me being so negative about myself how can I expect them to grow into confident women that are not hyper critical of their looks. In a time when we have constant access to "sharing" our thoughts, pictures, opinions, life, I want all of my children to grow up with a healthy understanding of who they are, not worried constantly about who will see what and keep them from doing something because they are afraid who will post something about it. I realize as I am actively participating in a forum that opens our lives to the public that I am potentially setting myself up for criticism, but the power I have is to delete hurtful comments, share only what I want, and be stoked I have a place to share and keep record of these days. Kenny and I debate social media all the time and we have come to the conclusion that we participate for ourselves and when it becomes too much about others we'll push the "x", backspace, esc, delete,remove, unsubscribe, hide, unfollow, block, whatever. So I guess all this to say, I will continue blogging for our own record keeping, and if you like what you see or read, let me know.  For my mama heart sisters here's a link to the post....


kellu said...

I am reading it. Love "5Minute Friday" and hearing your heart. <3

Rachel said...

I read your five minute fridays. :)

slocalwilkinsons said...

I read! Just one more way to keep us connected...5 minutes at a time. :)

slocalwilkinsons said...

I read your posts! Keeps us connected 5 minutes at a time. :)

bekah said...

I read it.

bekah said...

i read it!

Fiori da Dio said...

The Huffing post almost made me cry! It is so true. I want my girls to have the greatest self image ever and we have to set the example for them. Thanks for sharing the post!

Emily Burton said...

I'm weeks behind because I never get to relax and read blogs, but yes I love to get updates on how you guys are doing!