Friday, May 22, 2015

Five minute Friday

This was a rough week. Lots of sick, lots of tired, lots of rain. However, the best part was celebrating Elle's sixth birthday. On Sunday we went ice skating with the three big kids for the first time and they all loved it and can't wait to go back. On Wednesday, Elle's birthday we continued the celebration and I was able to take the kids lunch. We wrapped up the day with a special frozen custard cake per the birthday girl, lots and lots of sprinkles. I think it's safe to say we are in the clear for anymore illness. We have had a ridiculous amount of rain, great for te lakes and water supply, horrible for te end of the year crazies at school and missing so many baseball games and practices. Two weeks left of school. This year has gone very fast, too fast. It's going to be strange having just Avila home for a few hours next year when Blake's heads off to prek  with Rylan and Elle in 2nd and 1st grades. 

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