Friday, February 19, 2016

Lyla Meadow

Last Friday February 12 at 1220 pm our fourth daughter and the grand finale Lyla Meadow was born. It was a quick and beautiful morning. Two hours later I had a tubal ligation and the next evening we went home. She was 8lbs 5 oz 19". She is a nursing champ, great sleeper, and loves to snuggle. When we got home Saturday night part of our kitchen was flooded. Avila woke up at 430 that morning puking. Sunday afternoon the next three got the bug, Kenny followed up with it Monday and I got it Tuesday. An insane about of laundry, cleaning, Lysol, bleach, carpet cleaner, some tears from mama and here we are at Friday with our beautiful blessing sleeping soundly in the swing. I could go into detail about all the other craziness that has happened this week, but the best parts are that our friends have loved us well with food, babysitting, dropping off get well remedies, covering us in prayers, and snuggling our sweet girl. The big kids have loved having Lyla here and are anxious to really help and hold her but we have had to be extra cautious to keep her well. Avila is warming up to her and gentle when she has been comfortable enough to "pet" her. In the immediate needs of the week it's been easy to get lost in all that and I wanted to take a break today really let it settle in what a gift this week has been. Our community has surrounded us and our tribe inside these four walls has been provided for, our new baby is healthy, the sun is shinning, my husband has been dad and mom with grace and patience, our family is complete, like 200% no going back, and the best days are yet to come. 

Avila turned two on the 7th. We celebrated with a Texas size donut, dinner out, frozen yogurt of her very own choosing, and  her first car. Girl loves her cozy coupe! It was a great day!

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