Saturday, March 19, 2016

Five minute Friday

I forgot to hit publish last night...

It's spring break and Blake turned five! We had a few celebrations and one still to go Monday at school when she brings blue (her favorite color) cupcakes. She received some fabulous gifts that included a new bike and helmet, basketball and hoop, money she can't decide what to spend it on and her very own bible, not Rylan's, not Elle's, just hers ;) Lyla is growing so fast. Already out of newborn clothes, five weeks old, over 11.5 lbs, and awake more and more. This weekend Kenny and the big kids are camping in the backyard. We are getting more in sync with this new version of our family, it's pretty great and it's pretty busy! 

I should add that Kenny decorated her cake per her request!

1 comment:

kellu said...

love em all...and the chub on baby is the best