Monday, September 20, 2010

Reasons For Blogging

I have to admit I have wanted to post several times over the last two years, but more often than not something has stopped me. I can't say it's the kids or lack of time, although life is busy. The reality is I feel like I have to choose my words wisely, not to be phony and only share the good but because I feel that when you put something in words on a screen there is a lot lost in translation. Take that same thought and apply it to email, texting, fb posts, etc... I started a private blog because I thought I would share more there but again, the "filter" caught 90% of my words and it was sort of a depressing blog that didn't reflect my heart as much as my frustrations.

I love my family, it's like nothing I could have ever imagined...Being a mother has changed every fiber of my being, literally! That doesn't mean that everyday I feel like a good mom or wife, but I do try 100% of the time to be what they need me to be. Some days it is absolutely an act because I don't "feel" like that's what I want to do. I feel scared, inadequate, pathetic, emotional, resentful, jealous, tired, like I have nothing else to give, yet most importantly honored hear "mama" throughout the day whether it be a whisper or a shout. I'm thrilled to add another baby to our family and to be completely honest I don't need to hear-you'll be busy, you'll have your hands full, or any other little jab. I would rather be busy than bored and I'd rather have my hands full than empty (Thanks for that one Drea). Life is good, I have a loving devoted husband that blows me away with the dad he has become in just three short years. My children are my precious jewels that bring more to my life than anything else could even come close.

I don't love Paso but I'm grateful for friends that make it tolerable. All that matters is that the people living at 2842 Cottage Lane are healthy and growing, that doesn't always mean "happy". I'm not sure if this post will kick off a series of more posts that have less "filter" than the others. Maybe no one even cares what I think or feel...I do know that you can't please everyone, and sometimes you just have to say no. I know this is kind of all over the place and maybe a little bitchy but it is what it is.

My reason for starting this blog almost four years ago was to share about our life as it was rapidly changing, beginning with our move to Washington and within a few days finding out I was pregnant. As I posted, comments were made that in my hormonal new world of being pregnant for the first time, cut too deep. After that I started holding back and it really became a blog for family and friends or whoever else was looking at it to see the kids and hear what was happening. One of my pet peeves is moms who blog about their children's milestones ( which are incredibly glorious things ) as if they were the first ever to do it or that they were so advanced, I know it a weird stupid competition for some parents. I never wanted my blog to be like that so again, the filter caught more and the posts became few and far between resulting in a few pictures posted every once in awhile. Well tonight I have been inspired by some good ol blog snooping and have changed my mind that good or bad, I'd like you to meet the Pulliams from my view! I definitely will not fall in the over share category but it will be different the last two years at least.

Here is my first shot at offending any readers. I WILL get an epidural for delivery of this baby(praying it works this time) and I don't care what your thoughts are on the matter. You are no less of a mom if you choose to deliver your baby with some relief, nor are you more of a rockstar mom if you choose not to have some relief. I had an epidural with Rylan that ran out but that was only one of the several complications during his delivery. Again with Elle I had an epidural but this one didn't work at all, add some pitocin and no sleep the night before and let me tell you not my happiest of hours until it was over. So, please keep any comments about epidurals to your self. Every one has there reasons for what the believe-I just don't want to hear about yours-k?!

Well, I think I feel okay about clicking publish post right now, but I may need a moment....


Blstanzel said...

Thanks for sharing this Chris! I love to hear how you are doing and I agree 100% about the competitive parents. It is the same reason I never blog so thanks for being honest and giving me some courage. Maybe I will start again too... We'll see. Much love, Leah

Rhonda said...

Your post was beautifully honest and full of love. Not a bitchy line to be found.

I love honesty and real life blogging. Found you through Austins Antics

Emily Burton said...

Glad to see you're back and honest about what's going on! However, I will continue to blog about Aubrey's milestones ;) because I print my blogs into books each year that way I never have to write in a baby book :)I enjoyed reading your post...

Pulliams said...

Leah-do it! I can't believe how therapeutic just this one post was. I feel so free being able to say what needs to be said-according to me :) I understand when parents are proud, but there is always going to be a child that did something sooner, faster, better, whatever. Get over yourself people and just enjoy the privilege of parenting.

Rhonda-Thank you for the encouragement, especially since I don't know you your able to take my words for what they are and not try to read between the lines to hear "what i'm really saying" cause finally i'm saying what i mean :)

Emily-I was never dishonest about what was going on just didn't share much in general. I don't think there is anything wrong with blogging about milestones, it's when it becomes bragging that it gets under my skin. I printed out our wedding webpage and have thought about doing the blog as well but so far i'm sticking old school and have used a baby book for both kids. Always enjoy your blogging friend!

Christie said...

Hey Christin, I for one am glad you blogged about how you really felt! It's EXACTLY what I've been thinking about blogging ever since I started blogging and reading other blogs. I wish I had enough balls (probably a better word for that but it's all I can think of) to make a post like you did here. Thank you for being honest and saying everything I've ever thought and more. Here's to real and honest blogging! :)

Oh and good luck with the epidural. Hopefully this time it will give you relief when you actually need it!

Annie Scott said...

I love seeing your heart Christin! It was more like we were actually together chatting, and I could here you talking in my head:) I have no clue if I've ever offended you with my blog, since it's my journal of us, and I do it so I won't forget these precious years. That, and for my most faithful reader my mother, who probably checks it 3 times a day even though I don't post more than once a week! As for milesones...Mine are all different, some "slow" at things, some "ahead", big, small, but I've gotten better at not comparing my kids with others and resting in the fact that Lord willing my children will want to read, use the potty and walk when it matters, like jr. High!

Pulliams said...

@Annie-rest assured I love checking your blog. Not only do I usually get a giggle from your sweet boys but also some fun ideas. I know what you mean about wanting to put those moments in a time capsule :)

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon

Great share, thanks for your time