Friday, April 8, 2016

Five minute Friday

Last night we enjoyed the second grade musical and Rylan was one of the four dancers during the last song, too cute! Rylan had two days of running club this week and loves it, a boy after my own heart. Elle lost her seventh tooth, she's all gums at this point :) Blake is learning so much and on her own practicing writing letters and numbers. Avila is done with binkies, it's going so much better than I was anticipating. She's a true toddler keeping me on my toes every hour she is awake. Lyla is eight weeks old today :/ Tonight  is the school carnival and the big kids are sooooo excited. Kenny is doing a stellar job at work and still comes home and is an incredible partner to me and a phenomenal dad, we are so fortunate. He is going to a men's conference tonight and tomorrow and I hope it's a so good for him. He rarely gets dude time so I insisted he go the whole time and not just for part because he was offering to stay home after I had been feeling overwhelmed and not sleeping very well this week. No sir, you are going the full time, we will manage even it its cereal for breakfast and lunch!


kellu said...

always so much fun and action in the Pulliam home! I see we have more than one paint eater in our family :) love love love to see these 5 minute fridays xoxoxo

Pulliams said...

Not paint, it was a marker:) she likes to do make up like her sister!