Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I scarred my nephew, I think :(

We went to the visit Kenny's family this weekend. Beautiful sunshine, fun with family, good food, and a trauma. Kenny and I were playing a game with the nieces and nephews. I had bent down to put the cards out and then our five year old nephew starts whispering to Kenny. Kenny couldn't hear him, so they went to a quiet area where Zack, the sweet boy he is, told Kenny I was wearing an impolite teeshirt. Well, let me just me honest and say, sometimes it's hard to keep the girls in check, especially when you are wearing warm weather clothing. They returned and Kenny motioned to me to pull up the front of my shirt. After the game was over and people were leaving Zack again whispered something to his mom. Kenny told Zack's mom, Lauren, about my impolite teeshirt and I apologized. She laughed and said, that's funny because he just told me," I saw her hips." Hips, hmm.... well that is the only 'girl' part he knows. Lauren explained that they have to make sure that Zack's sisters shirt are "polite" for school, so he is used to hearing mom and sister talk about appropriate clothing. It was one of the funniest chapters of my life. I was concerned that I had ruined this litte boy with my "impolite teeshirt" but I was assured that is was okay. He is such a sweet boy to know that he should be discret in telling Kenny even when the other kids asked what they were talking about he said, "Nothing. Just somethings impolite." I hope you got as much of a laugh as we did. Ladies make sure you've got control over those hips at all times!

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