Friday, May 25, 2007

Surprise Mom and Dad

Sorry Grandma and Grandpa Razor but we had our ultrasound yesterday! By the time you see this you will already know but for those of you that don't know yet..........It's..........a.........boy!!! Our little precious baby Rylan was a welcome site to see yesterday. My heart is flooded with love I never knew exsisted, or at least not to the depths I am learning of now. I love the song Never Alone, see previous post. My entire being is in love with this child. I can hardly hold back the tears when I think of him. I cherish every tiny movement I feel. I am so grateful to have this experience. For those of you already parents, I don't know how you manage to have a piece of your heart walking around outside of your body, and for those of you yet to be, get ready because just being pregnant is such a remodel of my heart. This coming from someone who been loving and taking care of children for the last few years, but this time is so intense and entirely different. I love you Rylan and want to be the best mommy I can be. I pray for you all the time and love just doesn't seem like a sufficient word to describe how deeply I care for you, it's almost like an ache. My dear sweet boy Rylan I can't wait to hold you in my arms and probably never want to let go.

1 comment:

Jessica and Noah Collins said...

Yeah! I love little boys! Congratulations Pulliam Fam! Welcome Mr. Rylan! You don't even know yet how much you are truly loved!