Friday, February 15, 2013

Five Minute Friday

Picking up from last week...After my grandparents and dad left my mom stayed through Sunday and we had a great time. Mom and I even got away on Saturday for some shopping in San Marcos and met up with Aunt Leslie and Lindsay. We have had TERRIBLE allergies but have found some medicine that helps with the majority of the symptoms making life so much better. We are enjoying cooler weather and had a nice little Valentines day. This weekend some of our friends that visited last month are coming and we are looking forward to having a fun weekend with them-one giant sleeper over, all ten of us under one roof, yup ten! I am feeling much better about being in Texas this last week. Grateful for the opportunity here and my heart is changing about it all. Still desperately miss the beauty and family in California but feeling like its okay to have both feet planted here. Blake is talking up a storm, repeating so many words. Our baby will be two in a month and next year both "big" kids will be in school five days a week, heart wrenching :( To end this on a positive note, we are hopefully getting to spend some time with most of my extended family this summer in Washington and I am thrilled at the possibility for my kids to be with everyone and get a break from the Texas heat in July!

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