Friday, August 3, 2012

5 Minute Friday

Today marks our first year in Texas! Can't believe we have survived one year already. I'd have to say Spring in Texas is pretty amazing and I could def do without the intense heat of the summer, but if it meant giving up the sunshine then I'll keep my complaints to myself.  We have Elle's two month eye appointment today and hoping for more progress with the patching. After the first two months of patching she had improved her vision from 20/80 to 20/60 so we are praying for more good news. We continue to enjoy Austin more and more and still have a long list of things we want to do. It's really cool to be living in a place that always has something to do, usually free or inexpensive too. We are hoping to have a fun staycation the week after next. I'm especially excited for a couple days of sleeping in and letting daddy duty me in full effect! Happy weekend y'all!

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